
How to dry fresh pasta: all useful tips

Useful tips to dry fresh pasta and optimize production in your pasta factory

Monday 13 May 2024

The production of fresh pasta in pasta factories, both artisanal and industrial, is a complex process that requires attention to detail and the use of advanced machinery. In industrial pasta factories, production takes place on a large scale, with the help of automatic machines that speed up the process but, regardless of the size of the pasta factory, to ensure the quality of the final product, processing must be carried out with appropriate, safe and specifically designed tools for food contact.

One of the most important steps in the pasta production process is drying, which must be carried out at best, using special equipment. Polypropylene drying racks offer a large, non-porous surface on which pasta can dry evenly and without sticking, ensuring perfect drying. Thanks to their resistance, they allow processing without deformation or damage, ensuring an optimal drying process. Moreover, their particular characteristics make them ideal for use in food environments, ensuring maximum safety and quality of products.

Let’s see together some useful tips for drying fresh pasta and all the advantages of using drying frames in food laboratories and pasta factories.

Why it is important to dry fresh pasta

Drying fresh pasta is fundamental in the production, both in the industrial sector and artisan pasta factories, as it directly affects the quality and preservation of the final product. First, drying allows you to remove excessive moisture from pasta, which otherwise could promote the growth of mold and bacteria during the storage period. This is particularly important in industrial pasta factories, where production takes place on a large scale and pasta must be stored for prolonged periods before being distributed. In addition, drying helps to give pasta the ideal consistency, thus ensuring the quality of the final product intended for consumption.

Uniform and controlled drying also ensures more efficient production, minimizing the risk of waste or products not complying with quality standards, and allows to extend the shelf life of fresh pasta, enabling manufacturers to better manage distribution.

Useful tips for drying fresh pasta

In the process of drying fresh pasta in laboratories and pasta factories, it is essential to follow a series of useful tips to ensure optimal results both in terms of product quality and food safety. To ensure an effective and safe drying process, it is crucial to pay attention to several factors.
First of all, it is important to use appropriate, high-quality, safe and certified food contact equipment, like all food grade equipment proposed by IFT. Polypropylene drying racks are particularly suitable, as they have a non-porous surface on which the paste can dry evenly and without sticking. This type of racks is also durable and easy to clean, ensuring maximum hygiene of production processes.

During drying, it is essential to carefully control the temperature and humidity of the environment. A too high temperature could cause a rapid external drying of paste, leaving the inside moist and favoring the formation of mold. On the contrary, too low temperatures could prolong the drying process too much, increasing the risk of microbiological contamination. During this phase it is important to regularly check the state of pasta and ensure uniform drying on all sides.

The duration and the method of drying pasta are also important factors to consider in order to carry out this process. It is important to precisely adjust the drying time according to the type and thickness of pasta, as well as the environmental conditions. Too fast drying could in fact compromise the quality of products, while too long drying could make pasta excessively dry and brittle. Carefully monitoring the drying process and adapting it to the specific needs of each type of product and production cycle is therefore essential to obtain optimal results.

Pasta dryer racks: all the advantages

Polypropylene pasta dryer racks represent an effective and versatile solution within pasta factories and craft laboratories, offering a series of advantages that make them essential in the production process of fresh pasta. Among the main advantages of polypropylene racks for drying fresh pasta we have:

  • uniformity of drying: polypropylene pasta dryer racks are designed with a non-porous surface that allows air to circulate freely around pasta, ensuring uniform drying. This allows each piece to dry evenly, avoiding sticking or deforming during the process;
  • easy cleaning and maintenance: polypropylene is a durable and easy to clean material, which makes the frames made with this material extremely practical to use. It is sufficient to wash and sanitize them after each use to remove any residues of pasta or impurities, ensuring a hygienic and safe working environment;
  • durability: thanks to the strength of the plastic material, racks can withstand frequent use without deformation or damage, ensuring a long service life and minimizing replacement costs; 
  • versatility of use: polypropylene dryer racks are available in a variety of sizes and can therefore be adapted to the specific needs of each pasta factory or laboratory; 
  • compatibility with hygienic standards: polypropylene is a safe material for contact with food and meets the most stringent hygiene standards. In particular, IFT pasta dryer rack is designed and manufactured in full compliance with EC food contact standards and is used in IFS certified plants to ensure effective drying of high quality products quality; 
  • production efficiency: thanks to the ability to dry even large quantities of pasta simultaneously and evenly, polypropylene racks can help to improve the overall efficiency of the production process. They reduce the time needed to complete the drying of pasta, allowing pasta factories to increase their production capacity and meet market demand more quickly and efficiently.

For more information on drying racks or other products offered by IFT, please contact us