
Sale of plastic trays

Distribution of plastic trays for food use

Based in Mantua, IFT creates and sells plastic trays that have obtained certificates on their suitability for food contact. The company has also not only established itself on a domestic level, but has also conquered international markets thanks to its quality offering and dedicated team of professionals.

Sales catalog

The experience gained by IFT has allowed it to come into contact with various companies operating in the food sector and gain an in-depth understanding of their needs. In order to satisfy different types of customers, the company sells different models of plastic trays. The catalog offers the choice between:

These items can be for operations such as dehydration and drying within the fish, meat, and fruit and vegetables sector.

Why choose IFT and its trays?

However, a wide product range is not enough to fully satisfy the needs of those who work in the food sector. To meet their needs, it is necessary to meet high quality standards and offer a top-notch service in order to help different companies in choosing the most suitable product. Thanks to its high technical skills, the team at IFT is able to provide an excellent sales service for trays as well as create extremely resistant, functional, as well as versatile, products.

Would you like more information on the sale of trays?

If you would like a personalized quote or more information on the sale of plastic trays for food use by IFT, all you have to do is use the form in the contact section. The company will provide a detailed response to all of your questions as soon as possible.