Headquartered in Mantua, IFT is a company expert in the manufacture and marketing of meat curing seasoning equipment. These articles, certified for food contact, are designed by the excellent company staff, composed by professionals with a very high technical background, who work daily with great passion.
Over the years, IFT has always tried to deepen the knowledge of its customers' needs, in order to offer them customized products. This work philosophy has allowed the company to expand its catalog and to include within it a large number of food technologies suitable for curing meats. Among the main products for this type of processing, you will be able to choose, for example, the following ones:
However, the only diversification of the products offered is not sufficient to satisfy customer requests. To do this, in fact, it is necessary to ensure them high standards in terms of quality. IFT, in order to achieve the complete satisfaction of the companies that rely on their products, is able to offer extremely efficient meat seasoning equipment, which offers different advantages during use, such as those deriving from:
If you need to get a personalized quote for your needs or you need to get more detailed information on the meat curing equipment offered by IFT, all you have to do is access the contact section. Filling out the form inside it will give you the opportunity to get a detailed answer to all your questions, as soon as possible.